It Helps, Now And Then, To Step Back And Take A Long View
It helps, now and then, to step back and take a long view. The kingdom is not only beyond...
It helps, now and then, to step back and take a long view. The kingdom is not only beyond...
Last night I have the dubious pleasure of watching The Guardian, the new film starring Kevin Costner and the...
When it is utttered in Australia perhaps? No, this is not the start of a major campaign on this...
HK-everyday059.jpg Originally uploaded by fernandogros. And another year goes by. Rather nice day pottering around Central Hong Kong. Morning...
iPod, Zune CNN
phone017.jpg Originally uploaded by fernandogros. Yesterday I spent a very emotionally draining day going through some of things, decided...
Jason Clark has plugged me into Flixster, which is a rather cool social networking site focussed on films (the...
Shock Horror! I thought the Prime Minister said Australia did not have a Racism problem?!? OK, cyncism aside for...
HK-everyday047.jpg Originally uploaded by fernandogros. Over the weekend, the iconic Star Ferry service shifted it’s central home from the...
music-003.jpg Originally uploaded by fernandogros. No, I’m not about to start podcasting. Not that I haven’t thought about it,...
Last night I managed to see the 1947 film Gentleman’s Agreement, as part of the Hong Kong Jewish Film...
I’ve been having a number of thoughts about the issue of fear and guilt in the church and also...
Despite this digital age in which we live, I still like the feeling of a newspaper in my hands....
John Smulo has a thought provoking discussion on the nature of blogging and personal identity. John’s got a great...
Brilliant. Reminds me of Paul Washer’s comment, “everyone wants to get to heaven but no-one wants to meet God...
Originally uploaded by fernandogros. When C was getting golf lessons in India, her pro turned me to after one...