Some Blogging Goals for 2007
It’s that time again, when thoughts turn to what the new year has in store. Now that we have...
It’s that time again, when thoughts turn to what the new year has in store. Now that we have...
When it is utttered in Australia perhaps? No, this is not the start of a major campaign on this...
HK-everyday059.jpg Originally uploaded by fernandogros. And another year goes by. Rather nice day pottering around Central Hong Kong. Morning...
phone017.jpg Originally uploaded by fernandogros. Yesterday I spent a very emotionally draining day going through some of things, decided...
Shock Horror! I thought the Prime Minister said Australia did not have a Racism problem?!? OK, cyncism aside for...
HK-everyday047.jpg Originally uploaded by fernandogros. Over the weekend, the iconic Star Ferry service shifted it’s central home from the...
Everyone I meet seems to want to hear about Delhi and India. Not surprising I guess; India is in...
I’m not an Anti-Starbucks kinda guy, in fact I like their coffee from time to time. To be frank,...
The Guardian have launched a new site called GuardianAbroad, aimed at expats. I saw this advertised in a recent...
IN some welcome news, UPS faces a Class-Action suit in Canada over their brokerage fees. The movement of goods...
No, I’m not about to go on a blogfast. However, this past week I’ve been staring at an empty...
It’s a question I’m getting asked a lot these days, now that we are into our fourth month here...
I like to torture myself by keeping my Tate membership active and scanning the lists of events and workshops...
HK-everyday028.jpg Originally uploaded by fernandogros. Well, the fireworks were LOUD, but sadly we couldn’t see much. Our ptime location...
I’m sitting here mixing my final Film Scoring assignment, watching the barges on Victoria Harbour being moved into place...
I’m loving the new G24 service from the Guardian newspaper. G24 gives you five daily .pdf based newsheets (Top...