"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
October 26, 2006

UPS Faces Class Action Suit Over “Brokerage” Fees

IN some welcome news, UPS faces a Class-Action suit in Canada over their brokerage fees. The movement of goods across borders is an important part of globalisation and I believe making it easier for small business and individuals to buy across borders is an important part of fostering entrepreneurship. Many countries are making it easier […]

IN some welcome news, UPS faces a Class-Action suit in Canada over their brokerage fees.

The movement of goods across borders is an important part of globalisation and I believe making it easier for small business and individuals to buy across borders is an important part of fostering entrepreneurship. Many countries are making it easier for this to happen but one barrier is the shipping companies themselves.

I have on several occasions been hit with unscrupulous “fees” by UPS, in one instance the brokerage was greater than both the duty and cost of the goods. It’s a big disincentive in my tiny little music technology business (more news on that next month).

My hope is that lawsuits like this will call these business to account, make them more open about hidden fees and help consumers and small businesses.

[tags] UPS, Brokerage, Shipping [/tags]

John Meade 18 years ago

Where do I sign up for the class action suit. I’m pissed right off w/ UPS.

Fernando Gros 18 years ago

Honestly, I wish I could sign up as well…

Vrej Melkonian 6 years ago

Sign me up.

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