"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Travel
November 1, 2006

Are There More Starbucks Outlets Than Pidgeons In Hong Kong?

I’m not an Anti-Starbucks kinda guy, in fact I like their coffee from time to time. To be frank, after living with wildy variable coffee-quality in India, iti s refreshing (for a while at least), to have some predictability to what I will find in my morning cup. But, it is kind of alarming how […]

I’m not an Anti-Starbucks kinda guy, in fact I like their coffee from time to time. To be frank, after living with wildy variable coffee-quality in India, iti s refreshing (for a while at least), to have some predictability to what I will find in my morning cup.

But, it is kind of alarming how many outlets there are here in Hong Kong. I saw how viral they can be as I watched Starbucks invade London some 6-7 years back.

Yesterday I discovered yet another outlet within five minutes walk of my home. That brings the total, I kid you not, to six Starbucks outlets within five minutes walk of my home. Stretching out a little further, there are eight within ten minutes walk. Add to that the outlets near L’s office (three within five minutes at last count) and the ones in other districts and that is a lot of green logos and overmilked brews!

So, it goes without saying that pretty well any direction I head out, I pass by one of these places. By contrast, I seem to only see pidgeons once or twice a week (surely HK is the least pidgeon infested global city). Amazing.

[tags] Starbucks [/tags]

John Smulo 18 years ago

That’s crazy. Where I’m at in California I have three Starbuck’s within seven minutes in the car. I’m surprised how many there are within such a short walk for you in Hong Kong.

grannyp 18 years ago

Come to my Canary island; not a Starbuck to be found. (Or a Tesco’s.) Alas Mcdonald’s made it, but only in the nasty resorts which noone need visit..

Paul 18 years ago

ah it’s my fave starbucks time of year, gingerbread latte time, goodwill and good coffee on earth!

Toni 18 years ago

Granny P – Yup, that’s a GREAT aspect to the Canarys.

Paul – The words *good coffee* and *starbucks* are, I believe, to be mutualy exclusive.


Fernando Gros 18 years ago

Hmmm, I think I would take Starbucks over McDonalds – I know my five year old would as well.

Oh and Starbucks winter specials – not coffee in my books, more like a weird hot milkshake, but they can be very yummy on a super cold evening!

Starbucks and good coffee mutually exclusive? Not sure, maybe not great (well certainly not great), but in my travels there is a lot worse coffee out there.

Drive? I don’t drive… well almost.

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