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Blog // Thoughts
December 9, 2008

Top 100 Anthropology Blogs

Thanks to Malene at My PhD Blog (great blog on youth and social networking) for posting a link to the Online Universities’ list of the Top 100 Anthropology Blogs. There’s some amazing content there. From the offering I’ve decided to add the following blogs to my reader, Constructing Amusement – Technology and Popular Culture in […]

Thanks to Malene at My PhD Blog (great blog on youth and social networking) for posting a link to the Online Universities’ list of the Top 100 Anthropology Blogs. There’s some amazing content there. From the offering I’ve decided to add the following blogs to my reader,

Constructing Amusement – Technology and Popular Culture in South Korea.
Conversations with Dina – Qualitative research, enthnography and marketing.
Ethnoblography – Technology and contemporary life in Spain.
Mundane Ethnography – Enthnography and food.
Open Anthropology – Post-colonialism, globalisation and political engagement.
This Blog Sits At The – Anthropology and Economics with a focus on TV and Advertising.
Wayne and Wax – Ethnomusicology with an urban and global edge.

Of course, any list of blogs will be problematic and partial. One of the bloggers above, Open Anthropology noted that the whole question of what an anthropology blog is, has been a contested topic and posts a link to the excellent looking Comunidade Imaginada blog that highlights the extreme focus on English language in the top 100 list.

For, the value of this sort of thing is not that the top 100 is authoritative (it probably says more about those who compiled the list than the “truth” of the blogosphere). Rather, it is a helpful way deeper into the world of anthropology blogs and welcome opportunity to refresh my stale blog-reader for 2009.

Maximilian Forte 16 years ago

Thanks very much for adding OA to your reader, and for your comments above. Luckily I found your site and am adding it to my own links as well. By the way, you have a beautiful site with an extremely interesting design.

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