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Blog // Travel
June 10, 2005

It Is All In The Numbers

Today, for the first time, I tasted the global phenomenon of Sudoku. The craze has made it’s way from the UK to the local Hindustan Times. The puzzles are like numerical croswords, not hard to understand and reward rigour over blinding insight. However, they are rather addictive, the basic ones solvable in 10-20 minutes and […]

Today, for the first time, I tasted the global phenomenon of Sudoku. The craze has made it’s way from the UK to the local Hindustan Times. The puzzles are like numerical croswords, not hard to understand and reward rigour over blinding insight. However, they are rather addictive, the basic ones solvable in 10-20 minutes and do not require translation. In the UK, it looks like newspapers are actively competing for the sudoku market and in Japan, sudoku magazines average sales of more than 600,000 a month. It seems certain that sudoku will be one of the fads that in years to come defines 2005.

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Greg Restall 20 years ago

Yeah, I’ve been doing it for the last couple of weeks since the craze hit the local papers here. I’ve been trying to figure out how to use it as a teaching tool in intro logic. (Different steps you use in solving illustrate to different kinds of deductions.) I’ll see if the craze lasts or if it’s already passé in 2006.

Duncan Macleod 19 years ago

I’m wondering if the Sodoku craze has been orchestrated internationally. It was released in all the newspapers on the same day in Australia.

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