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April 6, 2022

Books I Read In March 2022

Here are the books I read in March 2022.

Here are the books I read in March 2022.

Once again, here are the books I managed to read in the past month. Much like the February list, it’s a mix of poetry, non-fiction, and ancient philosophy.

300 Arguments by Sarah Manguso

At first, this feels like a collection of pithy aphorisms. As you read on, it becomes clear this is something deeper and the insights are not as random as they first appeared. What emerges is a set of essays told in fragments. Manguso has a lyrical economy with words and brings power and clarity to her ideas about love and lust, hope and failure. Remarkable.

Gold by Rumi (translated by Haleh Liza Gafori)

This new translation of Rumi’s poetry brings more of the passion and lyricism of the original Farsi text to contemporary approaches to poetic style in English. Gafori’s translation really comes alive, challening and comforting the soul in equal measure. Whether you’re new to Rumi or looking for a fresh take on the poet’s work, this edition begs to be read and re-read.

Putin v The People: The Perilous Politics Of A Divided Russia by Samuel A. Greene and Graeme B. Robertson

Recent events found me scrambling to better understand contemporary Russia and, in particular, the cult of personality that keeps Vladimir Putin in power. While propaganda and repression play a big role in making this happen, Greene and Robertson, who are academic specialists on Russian politics, outline how various levels of society, from churches and schools to local political institutions and attitudes of ordinary citizens, contribute to keeping Putin at the top of Russia’s many-layered political system. This social contract is complex, vast, and also potentially fragile.

Tender Buttons by Gertrude Stein

A classic of modernist prose poetry. Descriptions of simple household objects become evocative journeys into the limits of language. This edition (which only includes the Objects section) is brought to life even more by Lisa Congdon’s playful illustrations which accompany and add a counterpoint to Stein’s words. This is the kind of delightful work that gives you permission to play with your own writing.

The Republic And The Laws by Cicero

A provincial politician makes a name for himself by totally geeking out on the best way to govern. Sadly he only got the influence he craved only many years after his death.

Why Design Matters by Debbie Millman

Artfully assembled from the best episodes of a pioneering and highly regarded podcast. Anyone with an interest in art, design, or making intentional choices about how to live well will find a lot to enjoy and consider in this richly satisfying and beautifully designed book. It is perhaps best enjoyed as a coffee table book you revisit when needing a little inspiration.

Work Pray Code: When Work Becomes Religion In Silicon Valley by Carolyn Chen

The decline of religion in western countries is well documented. What’s less often noticed is the way the workplace, especially the workplace of well-paid white-collar workers, is increasingly filling the social and spiritual role that religion once did. Companies all seem to have a mission. Workers practice mindfulness on the job, often build much of their social life around the people they work with, and expect their work to be meaningful and reflective of their values. This is an eye-opening look at what recent trends in workplace culture mean for the future of society.

Other Books I’ve Read In 2022

Rather than use some other app or service I’ve chosen to collect all my reading here on the blog from now on. You can see my reading lists from other months here.

Books I Read In April 2022
Books I Read In February 2022
Books I Read In January 2022

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