Ad?†n’s Blog
I’ve been following Ad?†n’s Blog on Media, Religion and Culture. It’s very interesting, very solid and very global. Well...
I’ve been following Ad?†n’s Blog on Media, Religion and Culture. It’s very interesting, very solid and very global. Well...
As much as I love reading the travel sections of newspapers and magazines like Conde Naste Traveller, ever since...
It has been very interesting to read foreign reporting of the recent Delhi bombings and compare it with local...
Matt Stone has blogged on some George Barna that indicate that pastors consider music to be far more important...
Once again we find ourselves reassuring friends and family that we’re ok. However, this time the danger was a...
This afternoon was spent shopping in Basant Lok, possibly the most overrated shopping destination ever (that people can describe...
Tensegrities is a blog I’ve been following for a few months now. The blog is run by Mary Hess,...
Jason Clark has been blogging on the various forms of doctoral study and what the title Dr, implies. I...
I have been holding off upgrading to Reason 3.0, but yesterday I found the new version of Reason Drum...
Just when I was daring to wonder if Apple where losing their way, along come two great product announcements....
One person’s poetic license is another’s scientific rant. It seems scientist Dr Simon Singh’s has issues with Katie Melua’s...
A year ago today I started this blog, or to be more precise, I restarted this blog. During this...
We have hit 79 days without internet connection this year. Just one of the many things about life in...
Check out lot number 26 in the recent Christie’s Fine Musical Instrument auction. The winning bid of $US268,000 was...
Have you ever wondered what Metallica would sound like if they decided to cover songs by the Beatles? Well...
I adore Apple and have for a long time. Like any Apple geek I look forward to new product...