It’s The Theology Dude
The Parish is a blog that I read and enjoy for it’s take on things related to the Emergent...
The Parish is a blog that I read and enjoy for it’s take on things related to the Emergent...
Urban Onramps cites a news report on better than expected results in the US Economy (replete with unfortunate sports...
When people meet me, one of the topics that invariably comes up is why, as someone who grew up...
Back in August 2003, I wrote a short essay entitled ‘The Spoken Word and the Projected Word.’ I’ll be...
A couple of days ago this newstory was posted over on the Christian Musician Forum. It appears some megachurches...
This was one of the oldest posts in the cache, something I started writing in 2005. First, is the...
I always find it sad when Christmas and in particular gift-giving is spoken of in terms of empty obligation;...
Actually I quite liked the LSE students I met, which makes this news feature on drunken LSE students attacking...
I was going through CD collection today and stumbled upon this Disc from 1994. This was a worship CD...
Several blogs have been citing Martin Luther King Jr during this advent season. For me these passages have stood...
After a nice lunch (Chapatis, Tandoor Chicken and Steamed Brocolli), I am going to pass on the upgrade. Technorati...
OK, a busy weekend of golf and I’m back at the computer realising I need to update the look...
O come, thou Wisdom from on high! Who madest all in earth and sky, Creating man from dust and...
Lent and Beyond is a new blog to me, but as I have surfed around the blogs that are...
Philosophers have always struggled with the idea of identity, who we are and what makes us who we are....
The uses and abuses of the English language here in India are staggering. Some arise simply from the the...