"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
December 5, 2005

Time To Upgrade This Mothership II

After a nice lunch (Chapatis, Tandoor Chicken and Steamed Brocolli), I am going to pass on the upgrade. Technorati is making very little sense to me and my general luddite tendency is surging forth. I’ve also pondered again something that I was thinking about over the weekend. That despite more than a year of solid […]

After a nice lunch (Chapatis, Tandoor Chicken and Steamed Brocolli), I am going to pass on the upgrade. Technorati is making very little sense to me and my general luddite tendency is surging forth.

I’ve also pondered again something that I was thinking about over the weekend. That despite more than a year of solid blogging, the daily readership of this forum is now about the same as it was this time last year. Sure I haven’t really tried all the ‘tricks of the trade’ to get this blog noticed, but it has been noticed, byt a number of very good quality bloggers.

Perhaps this should give us all pause to reflect upon the volume of bloggage that does NOT get noticed everyday. People pouring out good quality content to tiny little audiences, maybe to no audience. Blogging may be a revolution, but it is still a revolution in which only a few voices really get heard.

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