A Heretic‚Äôs Guide to Eternity – The Ugly
When it comes to explaining postmodernity, there is a well-worn but explanatorily deficient path that many Christian commentators follow....
When it comes to explaining postmodernity, there is a well-worn but explanatorily deficient path that many Christian commentators follow....
About once a month I make a little time to look at the statstics for this blog. I’m pleased...
Mary Hess (Tensegrities) made a very interesting comment here recently, …historical theology has far too narrowly conceived what we...
A Heretic’s Guide to Eternity is not a book for theo-critical cork-sniffers. If your idea of a good time...
“We don’t really have popular culture anymore, so much as a fragmented market crowded with expertly segmented, mutually hostile...
Chiangmai024.jpg Originally uploaded by fernandogros. I’ve added some photos from the recent short holiday in Chiang Mai, which you...
I‚Äôve just finished reading Spencer Burke and Barry Taylor’s A Heretic‚Äôs Guide to Eternity. This is the first part...
John Smulo has been blogging on the nature of Christian Leadership and I tried to chime in with some...
I first encountered Marc Ribot’s angular and intriguing guitar style in the 80s, on Tom Waits classic album, Rain...
Frank Rees made a very insightful comment a few weeks back in response to my post on theological biography...
Toni made an interesting comment on the “The Emerging Church Needs More‚Ķ” post, “I have a feeling that the...
Just flew back in from a very restful four days in Chiang Mai. It may be a frenetic week...
Taking a few days away in from the desk for some summer relaxation. I’ll be back later next week....
This is Part Three of series, for part one click here, for part two click here. Faced with a...
Thanks to Matt at Eclectic Itchings for the link to a compelling piece on Billy Graham in Newsweek. “Much...
Pete Lev, in his post “Going Green” has linked to a rant by the UK motoring journalist (and relentless...