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Blog // Thoughts
April 28, 2005

Australian-Style Politics

Well it seems that the current UK election campaign has thrown up a new euphemism, Australian-Style politics. The Tory opposition wants to introduce a points based migration system (like Australia), but what is at play is a form of negative campaigning that seeks to appeal to a perceived notion of the “cultural damage of migration”. […]

Well it seems that the current UK election campaign has thrown up a new euphemism, Australian-Style politics. The Tory opposition wants to introduce a points based migration system (like Australia), but what is at play is a form of negative campaigning that seeks to appeal to a perceived notion of the “cultural damage of migration”. It is sad indeed that whilst Labour in opposition looked to the Keating-Era government for a progressive, cosmopolitan and word-embracing politics the current Tory opposition looks to the present Howard government for regressive, xenophobic and pusillanimous politics.

Matt Stone 19 years ago

God no! Don’t follow us! That “illegal immigrant” / “children overboard” election saga made many of us feel ashamed to call ourselves Australian.

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