"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
April 28, 2005

A Little Over 4 Years Ago…

…I tried to start a blog. This has given me pause to reflect back upon the various Internet presences I have had down the years. From 1996-1998 I ran a simple personal homepage. This had some information about the Christian Philosophical Society I was involved with in Sydney, a little about my CV, some summaries […]

…I tried to start a blog. This has given me pause to reflect back upon the various Internet presences I have had down the years.

From 1996-1998 I ran a simple personal homepage. This had some information about the Christian Philosophical Society I was involved with in Sydney, a little about my CV, some summaries of academic pages and lots of links. It was a typical site of it’s time run on a small amount of server space that came with my email account. Funnily enough, I was disuaded by my Theological College from posting any full research or papers on the internet because “you never know who might be reading.”

After moving to London (having my computer stolen and becoming a Mac-Convert), I started a new website. I recall it was amazing to me at that time, that none of my fellow PhD students across a range of humanities subjects, had web pages. My small site had CV and background information, but also much more detail on my academic work and interests. This was split into three areas, theology, film and hermeneutics.

Early in 2001 I became interested in the potential of Blogging through Greg Restall’ssite, amongst others. Over the months between April and August 2001 I attempted to get the Blogger software working for me, but couldn’t get the customisation I was looking for. In the end, I gave with Blogger and by September 2001 had my own blog working, on my personal site. This site was a typical three-column hack (modelled after the King’s College London format), which represented my attempt at a more “professional look.” By now the site had a more biographical CV, much more detail on my research and a generally sharper look. One significant change at this time was that the site also had a section for music and music technology. In October 2002, I established the new domain name and consolidated the site.

After moving to Delhi, the site remained largely unchanged, but the blog moved to the three column format with a picture and 3-4 links for every entry. It ran this way through the latter half of 2003 and was a lot of fun, but hard to keep up with the erratic internet services here. After falling seriously ill in early 2004, I had to abandon that blog.

Which brings us to this site and a new blog. Sadly I have not yet found a way to add archives of old blogs onto this one, though I still hold some hope of adding the occasional entry that harks back to them.

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