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Blog // Thoughts
December 15, 2005

A New Look For A New Year

I hope you like the new look for this website. I thought after mre than a year it needed a change. So in came a wordpress upgrade and some playing around with themes. Please let me know what you like and don’t like about this layout. Thanks.

I hope you like the new look for this website. I thought after mre than a year it needed a change. So in came a wordpress upgrade and some playing around with themes. Please let me know what you like and don’t like about this layout. Thanks.

Jeremy Del Rio 19 years ago

Me likes it!

How do you like WordPress? I’ve been using Blogger, but find its templates limiting. I’m thinking about switching.

Damian 19 years ago

Looks nice.
You should edit your RSS feed so the posts aren’t from “site admin”.

While you’re there, how about a full text feed ?

site admin 19 years ago

Thanks. The admin thing is something I should have changed a long time ago I guess. Will create a new user this week.

I quite like wordpress and the themes in v1.5 are pretty easy to use. Somewhere I read that there are 390 odd themes in circulation though not all are good work. Sadly the guy who did the theme I used to use (gemini), has jumped ship from wordpress because of rarified techy issues.

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