"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Travel
December 15, 2005

Packing The Bags

No, we do not yet know when we are leaving Delhi for good… …however, we are packing our bags to head back to London for Christmas. We fly out on Friday are everyone is very, very excited. It will be sad in some ways not to head back to see family in Australia. But on […]

No, we do not yet know when we are leaving Delhi for good…

…however, we are packing our bags to head back to London for Christmas. We fly out on Friday are everyone is very, very excited. It will be sad in some ways not to head back to see family in Australia. But on the other hand we sorely miss the joys of a cold northern Christmas.

This year has been hard, very hard for us. There has been a lot of sadness as we have watched close friends and family fight with severe illness and mourned death and loss. Work life, home life and social life have been heavy and as a golfing buddy is fond of saying “nothing comes easy in India.”

I’m sure tears will be shed as we remember this year gone by and pray for a better time of it in 2006.

Toni 19 years ago

Hi Fern – if you’re over, is there a likelihood we might meet some time? You have my email address….

BTW then new site is fine, however the lines are a little pale defining the boxes in this section – hard to see the outlines.

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