"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
November 9, 2006

When Your Kid Starts To Excel Beyond Your Abilities

Originally uploaded by fernandogros. When C was getting golf lessons in India, her pro turned me to after one spectacular drive (for a 4 year old) and said, “She’ll be beating you soon.” If soon streches out to five to ten years and she retains an interest in golf then that is a distinct possibility. […]

Originally uploaded by fernandogros.

When C was getting golf lessons in India, her pro turned me to after one spectacular drive (for a 4 year old) and said, “She’ll be beating you soon.” If soon streches out to five to ten years and she retains an interest in golf then that is a distinct possibility.

Which got me thinking, for the first time, about the relationship between parents and kids and when the kids start to exceed their parent’s abilities. I can still remember what it felt like to get past my father in football for the first time, or cook something that at least was comparable to my mother’s cuisine. Now, I’m on the other side of the game.

Earlier this week, we were walking along an autumnal path, cool breeze in the air, leaves scattered along the ground, when my daughter said,

“The leaves are dancing; they are like butterflies.”

Not even five and a half and she is already a better poet than her father!

[tags] Parenthood [/tags]

Dr. Mike Kear 18 years ago

Fernando, I know what you are talking about! My youngest son is a student at Oklahoma State University and an aspiring writer. It seems like just yesterday I was helping him learn the alphabet. When my sons began to surpass me, I was terribly proud. I only hope that now they will teach this old dog a few new tricks!

RC of strangeculture 18 years ago

Interesting thoughts, I’m glad you shared them…and man, this is very poetic of your daughter to say something beautiful like that.

–RC of strangeculture.blogspot.com

Fernando Gros 18 years ago

RC – thanks.

Fernando Gros 18 years ago

Mike – thanks for the comment. Carmen seems to already teach me things about patience and seeing the world with hope, I look forward to everything else she will teach me.

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