The Power of Stars
The Power of Stars There is a very interesting email doing the rounds at the moment, that purports to contain a series of images used by a Norwegian diplomat called Charung Golla, in a presentation to the UN. The email also claims that these images have been nomiated for a “Nobel Prize in Political Marketing.” […]
There is a very interesting email doing the rounds at the moment, that purports to contain a series of images used by a Norwegian diplomat called Charung Golla, in a presentation to the UN. The email also claims that these images have been nomiated for a “Nobel Prize in Political Marketing.”
Well there is no Charung Golla, or Nobel Prize for Political Marketing. Instead, the fetching images are the work of the Portugeuse political journal Grande Reportagem.
I’ve taken the fairly big liberty of loading the images up in a probes. Hope you find it interesting.