"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
March 19, 2009

The Future For Fernando’s Desk

On the 19th of October, 2004 I posted for the first time on this blog. I’d been blogging on and off since 2001, but I was committing to something more sustained and substantial in ’04. It’s been, in roughly equal measures, frustrating and rewarding these past four and half years. I’ve met some, but not […]

On the 19th of October, 2004 I posted for the first time on this blog. I’d been blogging on and off since 2001, but I was committing to something more sustained and substantial in ’04. It’s been, in roughly equal measures, frustrating and rewarding these past four and half years. I’ve met some, but not all of my goals and learnt a lot along the way – about myself, about writing and about the myths and realities of “social networking.” I’ve relished the freedom of “self-publishing” but I feel a sense of personal disappointment that maybe I’ve squandered that freedom.

A lot has changed in these years. Back in 2004, I thought of myself as an academic who played a bit of music and wanted to be a better golfer. Now, I’m a musician who does some non-fiction writing and wants to be a better cook. It’s not so much that the metaphor for this blog, the stuff that moves across my desk, is broken. Rather, it’s that my primary space for working and thinking is no longer a desk (by implication in a library), but a workstation in a studio.

So I’m entering a phase of seriously rethinking how I blog, what I blog about and how this blog connects with, well, reality. In fact, to let a little of my thinking out in the wild, reality will be a big theme for the new blog.

And, by new blog I don’t just mean a new look, but a fundamental rethink. New manifesto, new design, new categories, new links, new interface with other feeds (like twitter and flickr) and a new approach to media. My goal is to have this in place for the five year anniversary; October of this year. As always I’m interested to hear what you, the regular reader of this blog would like to see dropped or added, what you have enjoyed from this blog and where you think the whole enterprise of blogging is going.

Mike Mahoney 15 years ago

As long as you keep doing it!

Personally, I’d be interested to read about what your doing musically, where your interests are taking you, and how your experiences are coloring your musical choices. Plus, I always love the observations you make about the world in general.


Toni 15 years ago

I’m starting to wonder if I really should continue blogging. It feels as if my reasons for doing so have changed, and also my freedom is much reduced, as many who are involved in my life might now read it. I’m not happy about the way everything seems to be a grumble too, though I guess mostly it’s only the things that really annoy me that generate enough energy to actually write anything.

What would I like to see? A more traditional interface, for one. Probably also more music stuff, clips, vids. A lot of the time I feel either inadequate or lack energy to comment adequately on issues you raise. I’m not really prepared to do 30 to 60 mins research and thought in order to generate a comment on a blog on the net (unless it’s something key to the blogger).

Fernando Gros 15 years ago

Mike – Thanks for the comment. I have toyed with quitting, but I don’t think that is the answer. Certainly music and the global thing should be more central in the blog, since they play such a huge part of day to day life right now.

Fernando Gros 15 years ago

Toni – I hope you don’t give up but I do get the issue of negativity inspiring blogging. I’ve certainly felt that way with a lot of my church blogging over the past 2-3 years. The disappointments fire me up to write more often than the positive experiences.

That’s the danger we face, writing without a team, or an editor, I guess.

Whilst I’m still committed to the essay form, I do want to start with media more at the centre of things. I’ve tended to choose formats and designs for blog based on text. After all I started blogging on the back of unfinished long form writing.

Jason Clark 15 years ago

Looking forward to it 🙂

Make me think of visual blogs, one I follow :


c. wess daniels 15 years ago

Fernando – I look forward to watching this process. I’ve enjoyed following whatever your thoughts are and trust that won’t change.

Fernando Gros 15 years ago

Jason – thanks. I do like the hand-drawn look for websites, although it is starting to date. I did a lot of the art for this blog in 05/06 and it would be good to go back to that.

Fernando Gros 15 years ago

Wess thanks! The mix will change a little, or perhaps it already has. I’m blogging less about church and theology and will probably roll some of those categories together. But, as a writer, I’m still an essayist and that isn’t going to change anytime soon.

Chester 15 years ago

I may not always agree with your view points, but I do enjoy very much reading your blog. You always have interesting insights. Keep it up!

Gordon 15 years ago

I’ve always thought this blog format was very distinct and in keeping with the deeper nature of your writing.
I’m glad you are continuing, and whatever you come up with will no doubt be worth visiting.

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