"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
May 5, 2007

Thank You

Following on from my discovery that this blog’s technorati ranking was sinking like a mafia informant, I decided to check some of the blog’s site statistics. Thankfully, it seems that rumours of this blog’s demise may have been exaggerated indeed. The daily unique visitor numbers have been slowly but steady climbing since the new year. […]

Following on from my discovery that this blog’s technorati ranking was sinking like a mafia informant, I decided to check some of the blog’s site statistics. Thankfully, it seems that rumours of this blog’s demise may have been exaggerated indeed. The daily unique visitor numbers have been slowly but steady climbing since the new year.

I also took the opportunity to check out where visitors have been referred from. Obviously, most visitors found the site via Google. But, surprisingly, the number two source of new vistors was not Technorati or Yahoo, but QQ (or check out the wiki). We do indeed live in interesting times.

In terms of blogs sending vistors this way, here is the top ten referrers so far this year (in order).

The Blog of the Ancient Mariner
View From The Basement
Jonny Baker
Johhny Laird
Ultra Brown
Subversive Influence
GT’s Quandry
CommonPlace | Eliacin
El Mondo

Thank you to everyone reading and referring to this blog!

[tags] Technorati, Linkeage [/tags]

Eliacin 17 years ago

Es un placer.

Fernando Gros 17 years ago


Johnny Laird 17 years ago

Hey Hey!! I can’t remember ever being in a Top Ten of anything before, Fernando!

Watch out Jonny Baker! I’m gonna git you! πŸ˜‰

Peace & Blessings,


El Mondo 17 years ago

Hi, well it was pretty surprising for us to find our blog here as a top referral site….we’re a small hungarian(!) evangelical blog….but that’s globalisation I guess…:)

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