Here’s a roundup of the films I saw in January On First Release Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (AVP 2)...
“When you grow up knowing rather than admitting that such a thing as the Wikipedia works; when it is...
Last week, C. Wess posted an excellent summary of the different streams of the “emerging church” and his post...
Steve at Shored Fragments have written a fantastic piece in response to popularity poll of big-name theologians (dare we...
Umpqua is a US bank that seems to have cottoned onto the whole idea of marketing through proximate community...
Henry Jenkins’ blog, Confessions of an ACA/Fan is one my favourites and one the most conistently high quality academic...
From The Rebel Sell, page 20. “The goal of radical political activists and thinkers in the 18th and 19th...
You know the game. Sometime between Christmas and New Year you catch sight of yourself in a mirror and...
Steve Holmes is (finally) blogging! His blog is called Shored Fragments (nice name) and it is looking very promising...
Peter Chattaway has posted an excellent interview with Philip Pullman. It’s a very deep and revealing discussion that unpacks...
Whilst cleaning up some old notes, I stumbled on the following lyric ideas – written sometime in 2004. “A...
A short while back I was browsing the art and design section of our local newsagent when a new...
Call me cynical if you must, but I’ve long given up hope of hearing church leaders speak in wise...