The photography world has been rocked, or at least disrupted, by the news that two well known and popular...
The photography world has been rocked, or at least disrupted, by the news that two well known and popular...
Life in a new city is an opportunity to explore and sometimes hiring a guide can be a quick...
I suffer with Migraine pain. They used to be called Nerve Storms. Living in Singapore seems to make the...
I’m now deep into my holiday in Adelaide. After a fun weekend, I awoke to sad news on Monday,...
This afternoon I took a quick trip down to the Adelaide Kite Festival. The weather was very different to...
This afternoon I took a little sojourn to the beachside village of Semaphore to look at the Adelaide International...
Last night I was out on the beach photographing here in Adelaide. It was a bit of a frustrating...
OK, I have to admit my series on doing HDR photography has been a bit of a mess. I...
I’m now settling into a quiet holiday routines. Bike rides, slow lunches, walks on the beach and plenty of...
This morning I flew into Adelaide, on the start of a short holiday. In some ways the flight from...
I’m always on the lookout for new and interesting people on Twitter (where you find me as @fernandogros), especially...
Coming Into Light is an extraordinarily well put together introduction to the life and work of early photographer and...
While I was live-tweeting during this morning’s Social Media Week Singapore Keynote, A few comments came back about the...
I’d like to introduce you to my startup. I’ve made a little investment and I spent last week getting...
“People are motivated by self-interest, they only do things because there’s something in it for them.” It’s a refrain,...
There's a lot of ideas out there about running a small creative business or being a solo creative. ...