Another city…
Another city…
Today is Holi, which for us has meant a quiet day at home, enjoying the unseasonally cool air we...
Owen Young is a PhD student at the Australian Graduate School of Management and has written an accurate and...
Some good trends are emerging in India, like this enviromentally aware food brand Conscious Food.
Unsurprisingly, a major outbreak of Avian Flu has been reported here in India. Depsite my initial concerns (with 40,000...
Something seemed amiss yesterday morning as I drove past the MG1 shopping mall near our home. There was a...
A recent BBC World feature brought up some pertinent, but often missed facts about the Indian situation and poverty....
You will find an updated version of the about me page in the increasingly populated sidebar to the right....
Looks like I will not be going to the Chelsea V Barcelona football game in a few weeks. We...
Today we enjoyed a Burns Night Ball, hosted by the local caledonian society. It was a well organised and...
Don’t laugh, this is not a euphamism for a case of Delhi Belly. Rather Tikli Bottom is a very...
We still do not know when we are leaving Delhi, in case you were wondering.
Simon World is a blog I’ve been following lately. It belongs to an Australian expatriate, blogging out of Hong...
OK, here is something that has really been bothering me about my current church. But, before I rant I...
I’ve got the, Internetconnectionblues, yeah. Last year we have no less than 94 days with internet connection. That is...
There have been quite a few of these sorts of stories making the papers here recently. Whilst there have...