"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Travel
April 21, 2006

Still In Hong Kong, Still Wondering

It has been a very long and tiring week. We hve visited schools, seen houses and apartments and travelled around the dowtown. The relocation agents have been a dissapointment on all fronts. Most of the homes we have seen were not within the specification we were looking at and the information they have given us […]

It has been a very long and tiring week. We hve visited schools, seen houses and apartments and travelled around the dowtown.

The relocation agents have been a dissapointment on all fronts. Most of the homes we have seen were not within the specification we were looking at and the information they have given us on life in Hong Kong has been very generic and uninsighful. After a week here I still have the same net position in terms of questions about how to live here. Whilst some have been answered, others have arisen.

One thing I have realised is how much of the corporate propaganda about relocation is really quite empty. The problem, as I see it, is that everything gets reduced down to cost and money. Got a problem? How much does it cost to fix it? Can’t fix it with money, then it is not our problem.

These are just preliminary thoughts, more to come in time.

Bayard Taylor 18 years ago


NIce site. I like your incubator metaphor as well as your self-designation as musician-theologian (musician first).

As an multi-international musician-theologian you might “get” this quicker than others — something I’ve been working on for the past three years.

I’ve been trying to look at Christian faith and the alternatives through the lens of, or with the tool of, the concept of worldview. Compared to how most Christians do it, my approach really comes at people sideways.

Anyway, in working this stuff through I wrote a simple, fun beginner’s book on the concept of worldview, the major worldviews, and the biblical worldview.

It’s called Blah, Blah, Blah: Making Sense of the World’s Spiritual Chatter (Bethany House, releasing May 3). You can read all about it, including downloading the first three chapters, at blahblahbook.com. There you can also find endorsements by Christian leaders, testimonies of kids, study questions, tips on how to teach worldviews, a bio and a blog.

When I wrote it I wrote if for pre-, mid- and post-college students, along with anybody else who wants to be a more confident, effective public representative of Christian faith in an increasingly pluralistic and postmodern culture.

But it’s also taking my cross-cultural missionary training and applying it to my own culture.

It would be really intriguing to hear if you think a book like this would be useful in the kinds of cross-cultural settings you’re continually finding yourself in.


Bayard Taylor 18 years ago

Oops, sorry for the double. I was trying to fix a typo in the second paragraph, so the second post is better.

I’ll stop cluttering your blog now.

Simon 18 years ago

If you’ve got questions about HK including about relocating here, send me an email and I’ll see how I can help.

Fernando Gros 18 years ago

Thanks for the offer and fo finding your way back here Simon. I’m busy packing, but will shoot you an email with a couple of questions soon.

Fernando Gros 18 years ago

Bayard, thanks for finding your way to the blog and for your comments.

I will get my hands on a copy of your book and review it here. Worldviews are an interesing concept and one that is sometimes helpful and sometimes not. Once I’ve read your book I’ll comment some more.

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