"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
November 6, 2006

Spam, Email And Blog-Rebuild

Over the past two weeks, both my email accounts have been hit with a bout of Spam. Since, I’ve been away from the keyboard more than normal, it means I’m behind on email replies. My apologies. Also, you will notice some weird blips on this blog over the next week as I’m going to rebuild […]

Over the past two weeks, both my email accounts have been hit with a bout of Spam. Since, I’ve been away from the keyboard more than normal, it means I’m behind on email replies. My apologies.

Also, you will notice some weird blips on this blog over the next week as I’m going to rebuild the layout. To be honest, I haven’t really been happy with the look of this blog for sometime now, so I’ve blocked some time each day till Friday to try and do something about it.

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Cynthia 18 years ago

For what ever it’s worth, Fernando, I love your header style: photo, word choice & color.

Since I read a broad sweep of blogs, I see it all and think yours is great. I understand about changing the theme/template (I need to do that so badly also) but be assured you’re probably the only one that’s tired of it. Good thing your WP – you’ll have thousands of choices.

brodie 18 years ago

hey Fernando Like Cynthia I think you blog looks great. That said I personally find the font size small and this can make it hard to read, but given you’ve normally soemthing worth while to say I struggle on.

Fernando Gros 18 years ago

Thanks guys – you’ve made me rethink the change…

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