"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Images
January 4, 2011

Shooting The Sun

I like to take bike rides alone to clear my head. Today I rode for two hours as there was a lot of end of holiday thoughts that I wanted to get straight. Grind along the beachfront path, into a gusty wind, I started to wonder again about returning to a place, again and again, […]

I like to take bike rides alone to clear my head. Today I rode for two hours as there was a lot of end of holiday thoughts that I wanted to get straight. Grind along the beachfront path, into a gusty wind, I started to wonder again about returning to a place, again and again, to create photographs.

Looking back over 2010, there was a pattern of photographing the familiar (Hong Kong, Delhi and Adelaide) and the unfamiliar (Cambodia, Taipei, Ladakh). The challenges in each adventure differ, familiar places can breed a kind of visual contempt and new places can overwhelm us as we try to frame them. We struggle with seeing something fresh in places we know and understanding the places we don’t.

On this trip I found myself creating images in similar ways – low camera angles, long exposures, shooting into the sun. But, I also tried for some different things. Not technical changes, but some different things in terms of mood, composition and contrast.

Looking at my October images from Adelaide I can see similarities with my most recent shots. But, the weeks since then have been tough and tiring and I find myself ill-prepared for the year ahead. For the last six weeks of 2010 I was struggling, perpetually feeling just behind where I should be.

Whatever the reason for the mood in these images – I hope that you enjoy them. I’m looking forward to getting back to Hong Kong and developing some prints of these vistas.

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Yamabuki Zhou 14 years ago

Beautiful Photography.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Recently I’ve been trying
Low light Photography
Usually an hour before sunrise
I’m using a new Nikon point & shoot
That takes very good low light pics
Even at 3200 iso it looks good
I especially enjoy using it’s HDR in low light
I love to play with chroma and color balance
And especially love it’s 10x optical zoom
Amazing camera for a point and shoot

Though it has been decades
Since I used film cameras,
I still love the fact that
I can take lots and lots of pics
And discard most of them.
I’m tempted to Photoshop more
But mostly keep it to a minimum
Because it’s such a time sink

With regard to your final words
Sometimes these feelings
“tough and tiring and
I find myself ill-prepared”
and “I was struggling,
perpetually feeling
just behind where I should be.”
(You write so poetically)
Sometimes this is where we need to be
I hate being in those places too
But I try to remember Jesus’ words
“Not my will, but thine be done”


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