"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Images
January 3, 2011

Christmas Lights

Christmas is almost over and my holidays are fast drawing to a close. The break started badly, largely because I was so tired, run down and sick when I left Hong Kong. The fresh air, sunshine and time outdoors has helped a lot. Still, I’m left wishing that I could have had a few more […]

Christmas is almost over and my holidays are fast drawing to a close. The break started badly, largely because I was so tired, run down and sick when I left Hong Kong. The fresh air, sunshine and time outdoors has helped a lot. Still, I’m left wishing that I could have had a few more healthy days on this trip.

I wanted to take some “Christmassy” images on this trip. So, I decided to play a little with long exposures, out of focus framing and slow panning. The results don’t really look like Christmas lights at all, but they have an interesting abstract effect. This is something I’m going to continue to explore.

While developing these images I realised that it was about 18 months ago, on another trip to Adelaide, that I started experimenting with this technique. There is a nice rhythm when places and seasons come together in work and life.

Thomas 14 years ago

Hey Fernando,

I really like the star photo ! The others too but the star is catching my mind each time.


Fernando Gros 14 years ago

Thanks Thomas. I’ve had a few comments about the star photo. Definitely some things here I want to keep working on.

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