"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
December 24, 2006

One Of Many Christmas Wishes…

John Smulo was asking on his blog, “I particularly struggle knowing that many people who aren’t Christians know us far more by what we are against, than what we are for. If my prayers were answered, when people thought of Christians, they’d think of what is core for us. For example, when people thought of […]

John Smulo was asking on his blog,

“I particularly struggle knowing that many people who aren’t Christians know us far more by what we are against, than what we are for. If my prayers were answered, when people thought of Christians, they’d think of what is core for us. For example, when people thought of Christians, they’d think of things like; Jesus, Joy, Life, Self-Sacrifice, Generosity, Grace, Service, Gratefulness, Mercy, Humility

What are your thoughts on this topic? Also, if people could think of anything when they think of Christians, what would you want them to think of?”

That prompted me to write –

The only things I would add are peaceable and hopeful. The widespread perceptions of Christianity paint a portrait of people who are negative, combative, fearful of a dystopic future and resitant to progress.

But if I had to boil it down to something simple and everyday, I’d say my hope is that Christians would be known as “people you can talk to.” If we could start there, a few other things would start to sort themselves out as well.

In a lot of ways that sums up my Christmas prayers this year.

[tags] Christianity [/tags]

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Paul 18 years ago


Shane 18 years ago

I so appreciate this sentiment. I think it would be fun to try this out with some groups. Ask people to fill out what they think Christians are known for and what they’d like Christians to be known for. Could be fun and insightful. Press on, brother.

Fernando Gros 18 years ago

Shane, thanks for the comment – yes I agree it would be a superb group activity.

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