"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Images
January 25, 2012

Notes From The Road – Summer In Adelaide

I’m in the middle of a short break in Adelaide. Being Chinese New Year, I decided to head away from the oppressive heat of Singapore to enjoy the oppressive heat of Adelaide. And, boy oh boy has it been warm. Yesterday it was over 35 degrees celsius, which felt even hotter sitting in the glorious […]

Lights At Sunset

I’m in the middle of a short break in Adelaide. Being Chinese New Year, I decided to head away from the oppressive heat of Singapore to enjoy the oppressive heat of Adelaide.

And, boy oh boy has it been warm. Yesterday it was over 35 degrees celsius, which felt even hotter sitting in the glorious sunshine, at the Adelaide Oval. It’s been a lifelong dream of mine to watch a Test Match at what has to be one of the world’s most picturesque sporting grounds.

I took the photo at the top of this post about an hour after sunset. The light here is wonderful and I count it a privilege to be able to come back here again and again to photograph or, simply, to ride my bike or walk by seaside.

This weekend I fly back to Singapore then, at the end of next week I’ll be travelling again, to Penang, to photograph the festival of Thaipusam with Matt Brandon and Gavin Gough.

The frustrating news is that I have a slight medical condition, a cyst on my back, that has been causing me some discomfort. It flared up just before Christmas and was quite painful and was restricting movement of my left side. Thankfully it has responded to medication. But, next week I will have to speak to a surgeon and will probably need to have it cut out as soon as I come back from Penang.

Kasia 13 years ago

Glad you’re getting to enjoy the cricket..it’s always hot when it’s on in Adelaide. All the best with that cyst :/ and love all of your gorgeous photos Fernando.

sabrina 13 years ago

I am always amazed at the light when the sun goes down and try to remember to hang around for long enough to make an image like this. It’s magical. Enjoy your workshop with Matt and Gavin, I’m looking forward to hearing all about it.

Fernando Gros 12 years ago

Sabrina – thanks. I’m so often guilty of walking away as soon as the sun goes down. I’m only just starting to unlearn that habit.

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