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Blog // Thoughts
May 17, 2005

Losing My (Mac) Religion

OK, so that might be a little over the top. However, I’m sure I can’t be the only one who is getting a little disenchanted with Apple these days. As if the problems with the (halfbaked it seems) new Quicktime 7 were not enough, now everywhere I turn the hype about the new OS seems […]

OK, so that might be a little over the top. However, I’m sure I can’t be the only one who is getting a little disenchanted with Apple these days. As if the problems with the (halfbaked it seems) new Quicktime 7 were not enough, now everywhere I turn the hype about the new OS seems to be about dashboard widgets. Now some of these are cool and a small number even useful. But a widget emulating a game that appeared on the most evil of all the truly evil Microsoft operating systems? Maybe the irony is lost on me, but I just can’t get behind that.


You bring up some interesting points. I wonder how many feel the same as Mac becomes more mainstream due to the success of the iPod. Great post.

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