"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Travel
May 23, 2007


Tommorrow is Buddha’s Birthday, which is a public holiday here and we are taking the opportunity to do a little travel over the four day weekend. So, early in the morning we fly off to Lijiang, in the Yunnan province of China. The town itself is a UNESCO world heritage site surrounded by stunning mountains. […]

Tommorrow is Buddha’s Birthday, which is a public holiday here and we are taking the opportunity to do a little travel over the four day weekend. So, early in the morning we fly off to Lijiang, in the Yunnan province of China. The town itself is a UNESCO world heritage site surrounded by stunning mountains. We plan to take it very easy; some hiking, some exploring the town and some good old fashioned relaxing.

Are Karlsen 17 years ago

This is one of the aestetically most pleasant blogs I´ve seen!

Pam Hogeweide 17 years ago

i was in lijiang many years ago on a ywam team. thanks for bringing back the memories with just the mention of the name. and btw, how much does it cost to fly to kunming these days? we are thinking about adding km to our itinerary when we come to hk in sept. besides having good friends who live there i have some fond memories from staying there for three weeks years ago. beautiful area.

have a wonderful holiday with your family. i hope you’ll post some pics. i have some old photographs of my time there in an album around here somewhere…….

brodie 17 years ago

have a good trip

Toni 17 years ago

Looking forward to the pics, Fern.

Fernando Gros 17 years ago

Pam, we flew DragonAir to Kunming – service is operated by Cathay. Plane was very comfortable and it is a short trip. Return flights from HK are in the $350-400US range according to the DragonAir website – though of course those things are best negotiated with your agent if booking longer flights.

And thanks everyone – pics are coming soon.

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