"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Travel
July 30, 2010

iPhone4 Launch In Hong Kong

The 30th of July marks the launch of the iPhone4 in Hong Kong. I just took a quick stroll among the huge crowds in the IFC Mall, here in Central Hong Kong, who are patiently lined up to get their hands on Apple’s latest mobile phone. It was a quite extraordinary sight, with the throngs […]

The 30th of July marks the launch of the iPhone4 in Hong Kong. I just took a quick stroll among the huge crowds in the IFC Mall, here in Central Hong Kong, who are patiently lined up to get their hands on Apple’s latest mobile phone.

It was a quite extraordinary sight, with the throngs corralled into various zones, each of which seemed to handle a different stage of the purchasing process. There were clowns and live music to entertain the waiting Apple fans as well as free McDonalds meals to sustain them in what will surely be a long night of waiting.

Toni 15 years ago

Did you go along, and if so, is the reception issue as bad as reputed? It seems a real shame they’ve rushed the thing to market instead of getting it right.

Spode 15 years ago

Toni – everything I have heard from people actually trying it is that they could not cause a call drop here. So seems to work just great. -Spode

Fernando Gros 15 years ago

I just went to have a look at the event. Will upgrade my iPhone eventually, but not yet.

However, as Spode mentioned, users here in HK aren’t reporting the dropout problem.

Toni 15 years ago

I’ve heard mixed comments, with some saying it drops and some without problems. The latest version of the software is also giving problems with iTunes and is not compatible with software OSX 10.4 and earlier (some people have returned the iPhone 4 in exchange for a 3GS which is compatible).

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