"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Travel
April 12, 2006

Hello From Hong Kong

We’ve arrived after a pleasant flight. Settled into our hotel room after a very easy afternoon. We enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon tea at Tiffin in the Grand Hyatt and then a slow stroll around the IFC Mall. The briefest of glimpses of this city, but tommorrow will open the city up to us a […]

We’ve arrived after a pleasant flight. Settled into our hotel room after a very easy afternoon. We enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon tea at Tiffin in the Grand Hyatt and then a slow stroll around the IFC Mall. The briefest of glimpses of this city, but tommorrow will open the city up to us a little more.

[tags] Relocation [/tags]

Toni 18 years ago

I hope you can find somewhere promising during the visit. It was bad enough when we moved from London to Oxfordshire. Moving to a new city in another country a long way away must be pretty difficult.

Fernando Gros 18 years ago

It is odd, because it is quit a few years now (1997) since we made a “local” move.

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