"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Technology
April 28, 2012

Fuji X-Pro1 InfraRed

A few experimental images in Singapore reveal the potential of the FujiFilm X-Pro1 for infra-red photography.

I’ve always been keen to try Infrared photography. It’s a technique that can produce stunning landscape and urban images. But, many, in fact most, dSLR camera cannot shoot infrared without hardware modification.

I had been seeing some comments suggesting that it was possible to shoot Infrared with an unmodified Fuji X-Pro1. So, I headed out this afternoon to pick up a Hoya R72 Infrared filter. When I got home, I grabbed my X-Pro1 and went out for a short walk.

The image at the top of this post is exactly what came out of the camera in JPG; no adjustments, no processing. For the rest of the images below, I imported the RAW files, converted them to TIFF in SilkyPix, then processed them with a variety of approaches (Lightroom, Color Efex Pro, Photoshop). That said, the images still looked pretty good just straight out of the camera.

There’s a huge amount of potential in this approach. I’m sure, as the word gets out that the Fuji X-Pro1 can do Infrared, more and more photographers will give it a go.

yamabuki Zhou 12 years ago

Great shots. Especially the first. Thanks for the heads up on IF photography.

Weldon 12 years ago

Holy smokes. Those are awesome. Good work.

Chris Mielke 12 years ago

I will have to pickup one of those filters. The first shot is wonderful. Why does the X-Pro 1 do a better job than other Digital cameras with infrared?

Tim Steadman 12 years ago

Really cool…have always wanted to try this too. I’m getting the XPro1 later this week. Very excited. Thanks for the great info!

Ajay 12 years ago

What settings on camera did u use to take shots? Shutter speed, iso, aperture etc.

Nice work

-S 12 years ago

Great. I ordered one. Would you mind sharing your Lightroom Development Settings? Thanks!

jex 12 years ago

thanks for sharing inofs any tips on exposure time ? i’m gonna receive my x pro next week and i’m looking forward to do infrared photography. as i’m new to IR photographie i have collected some intel but nothing particular with the X-pro 1.

Like Ajay above me i’ll be glad if you can spare some infos ^^

great job

Fernando Gros 12 years ago

Hey S. I am writing a follow up that will have more details about Lightroom and Photoshop settings and some things I’m trying with Nik’s Color Efx as well.

Fernando Gros 12 years ago

Hey Ajay & Jex. Thanks. I was shooting this with ISO5000 and the aperture at f1.4 & f1.8. Shooting in A-priority, this was still giving me slow shutter speeds, in the 1/25 to 1/60 range.

Technically, shooting with an IR filter on is much like shooting in near darkness. In my latest trips I’ve been taking a tripod along, to allow for lower ISO settings and longer exposures.

Fernando Gros 12 years ago

Hey Tim – look forward to seeing what you think of this camera.

Ajay 12 years ago

Hey Fernando,
Thanks for the info on Aperture / shutter speeds. I just got a tripod, so looking forward to going out to try this filter.


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