"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
December 6, 2006

Dissapointment is…

Logging in whilst fighting a head-cold, feeling cheered to see nine comments awaiting approval, only to realise they are all spam messages. Back to bed.

Logging in whilst fighting a head-cold, feeling cheered to see nine comments awaiting approval, only to realise they are all spam messages.

Back to bed.

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John Lunt 18 years ago

I’ll try not to be spam. Praying for your speedy recovery

John Smulo 18 years ago

Hope you feel better soon Fern!

Johnny Laird 18 years ago

Keep on keeping on, Fernando.

Peace & Blessings


Toni 18 years ago

Hope you do better than me out of it. I’ve been like this nearly 4 weeks – just feel like I’m writing rubbish where ever I go as the head won’t come clear.

Take care Fern

brodie 18 years ago

Fernando – hope your back to full health soon.

billy calderwood 18 years ago

wow. that is dissapointmetn. Add this to your non spam comment file. Get better bro!

Steve Lowe 18 years ago

I’m not a spammer, I swear! (or is that just a little too much like the sterotypical used-car salesman claiming that he’s honest?)

Get well soon.

God bless!

cynthia 18 years ago

Hey Fernando,
You just need some rest and an updated Akismet!
We’re all praying for your recovery (Christmas movies await)!

Randall 18 years ago

add my name to the list of people leaving a non spam comment!

Take care of yourself and get better soon guy.

Fernando Gros 18 years ago

Thanks to all of you!

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