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Blog // Travel
December 14, 2004

Christmas Is Looming

It has been an odd sort of Advent here in Delhi. There is the most kitch end of Christmas fare in some stores, but no spirit (as expected I guess). I miss the lights, I miss the measured rush, the “feeling of Christmas” in the air. We are all heading down to the bottom of […]

It has been an odd sort of Advent here in Delhi. There is the most kitch end of Christmas fare in some stores, but no spirit (as expected I guess). I miss the lights, I miss the measured rush, the “feeling of Christmas” in the air. We are all heading down to the bottom of the world, or Australia as it is commonly knwon, for the Chrismas holidays. It is a good chance to see family and friends, but the summer Christmas, although I grew up with it, just doesn’t feel right anymore.

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Toni 20 years ago

Christmas is a funny thing. The child in me (ever-present, but growing quieter over the years) gets excited by Christmas. Yet at the same time I dislike the blatant commerce of it all, and wish in some ways it could be banned. These days I just go with it, mostly for the sake of everyone else.

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