The Hidden Danger Of Over-Optimising
We'd all like to be a little more efficient and productive. But, is there a hidden danger in...
We'd all like to be a little more efficient and productive. But, is there a hidden danger in...
Calendar and diary apps are great. But, increasingly, I rely on paper as the best technology for planning my...
How a broken guitar drove home some lessons about managing energy levels at work and the danger of depletion...
When I get asked questions like the one I answered yesterday, “why are you doing Japanese calligraphy” it’s usually...
Is it a long weekend or is it a short week? This is the question I kept asking myself...
Today I posted the first in a new series of weekly short films on YouTube. My hope is to...
2016 has been a shit year. From the ongoing tragedy in Syria, to Brexit, the election of Donald Trump,...
This week I quit checking my email every day. After cleaning up my contacts list I got to thinking...
This week I quit apologising for my holiday schedule. Right now I’m on a summer break, escaping the heat...
We are in the midst of Golden Week here in Japan. This is a series of 4 holidays which...
Whatever kind of work you do, completion is essential, not just for your success, but also for your sanity.
I’m fast approaching the one-year anniversary of my move from Singapore to Tokyo. If this were a business, I’d...
Inspired by some articles on creative process and productivity I've decided to fine tune the way I organise my...
While I was live-tweeting during this morning’s Social Media Week Singapore Keynote, A few comments came back about the...
I'm not a poster boy for productivity and the Getting Things Done system doesn't seem like a good fit...
Does the idea of retirement make sense anymore? How should an artist think about it.