"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
July 13, 2006

Blogging And Blockage

One of my key hopes when I started this blog was to use it as a vehicle to get ideas into the public domain that were frozen and hidden. My time in London was the most fruitful and creative I have experienced as a writer. Naturally a great deal of that productivity was incorporated into […]

One of my key hopes when I started this blog was to use it as a vehicle to get ideas into the public domain that were frozen and hidden. My time in London was the most fruitful and creative I have experienced as a writer. Naturally a great deal of that productivity was incorporated into my PhD research, into sermons, into writing materials for the lectures I gave and into the various seminar papers I gave, especially in Theology and Film.

However, a great deal of it never saw light of day. Words scribbled in notepads and journals; half-finished electronic documents and extended email drafts never sent. I realised, whilst sitting at my desk in Delhi, that a fair chunk of this material deserved to be worked with, improved and maybe even commented upon. That motivated both this blog and it’s current name.

That said, I have a problem. There are currently 47 draft posts sitting my in WordPress admin area. Yes, folks I’m doing it all over again, but in a different medium and with a different instrument. As my former supervisor put it, I’ve become subject to “academic constipation.”

To solve this I need to release, expunge and delete the drafts that are dead. This is perhaps the hardest task of the writer, to pull out the weeds from amongst the flowers. Topics that have lost their urgency, ideas that have been better formed elsewhere, debates that are not worth engaging. It’s time to clear the garden.

[tags] Writing [/tags]

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