Chucho Valdes
Last night we enjoyed an evening performance with Chucho Valdes, and his quartet (as part of the Hong Kong...
Last night we enjoyed an evening performance with Chucho Valdes, and his quartet (as part of the Hong Kong...
Sadly, the Ze Frank show is coming to an end. There have been some great episodes over the past...
I’ve been having some fun with the nation-building game, NationStates. A few weeks back my fledging little country had...
Thanks to Mary at Tensegrities for making us aware that the Pope’s Sacramentum Caritatis is available online. The following...
Have blogs replaced diaries and journals and what will that mean if in the future they are deleted or...
I’ve had a few passes at drafting a personal ethic for blogging and commenting. On several occasions I’ve had...
Here’s some brief reviews of recently viewed films, Marie Antoinette After writing three different reviews of this film I...
Rumours about new Apple products are an inexact science, or cultish obsession, depending on your point of view. For...
Here’s a story that’s starting to get a lot of traction. The New York Times has highlighted a letter...
One of the greatest thinkers of our time, Jean Baudrillard, has passed away in his home in Paris after...
Fame can sometimes shackle artists. Reading some recent reviews of Prince’s 3121 shows in Las Vegas, it was clear...
Thanks to Presentation Zen for bringing this one to my attention. You more about the documetary here. Obviously...
“When I gave food to the poor, they called me a saint. When I asked why the poor were...
I’m a reluctant Academy Awards viewer. As a lover of art-house, world and experimental film, the Oscars frequently strike...
I’ve been saying it for years (over twelve, by my rough count) and I’m far from the only one...
For many film reviewers, critics and aficionados, a perfect world would not include films like Music and Lyrics. Bubbly,...