Novation ReMote 37SL
Late summer sees me tackling some small desktop studio projects (yes, my studio is that small!). Amongst the chores...
Late summer sees me tackling some small desktop studio projects (yes, my studio is that small!). Amongst the chores...
One of my favourite bloggers, Hamo at Backyard Missionary, is back in action. Backyard Missionary
Andy Goodliff has created an excellent meme on the idea of living out scripture. He is asking bloggers to...
This is a follow-on from Action And Belief Part One: Imaginary Beliefs Jesus’ invocation to “follow me,” demands a...
Our actions shape our beliefs far more than our beliefs shape our actions. This would be unproblematic and obvious...
Recently, I’ve made a few provocative comments on church attitudes towards big business and assumptions about people who work...
No, this is not a review of 4: Rise Of The Silver Surfer (that’s coming over the weekend). Glancing...
The BBC is reporting that Alan Johnston has been released.
Some quick thoughts on customising Logic Pro and creating your own Logic Pro Icon set
Frustration is realising that you have taken 700+ pictures in the wrong image mode. Last night I set the...
“Hong Kong used to stick to London, but now it sticks to China” – that’s how my daughter, recently...
As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not a fan of the local newspaper, the South China Morning Post. However, one...
Money is a sensitive topic at the best of times and as I have often found out, especially sensitive...
The Best Article Every Day is an aggregator-blog, collecting insightful and provocative posts from all over the blogosphere. It...
Propellerhead have just announced that Reason 4.0 has gone into final beta testing. We should see the new product...
Andy Goodliff has been pondering who would follow on from Barth in a list of “theological giants,” assuming the...