It Be That Day Again
International Talk Like a Pirate Day
International Talk Like a Pirate Day
On a Christian Forum I read, a regular posted a question on the nature of the Kingdom of God....
Apple have finally pulled the finger out and released Logic 8. The first thing that hits you is the...
I’ve been slowly making my way through Jeremy Paxman’s recent MacTaggart Lecture, trying to take seriously the question of...
One of my favourite books as a child was a pictorial history of the automobile. As much as a...
Staff Benda Bilili are an amazing congolese band made up of handicapped musicians. They have recently made the news...
This is adapted from two documents I wrote in 2001. The first was a brief personal manifesto (yeah, how...
Barrie Hibbert, formerly the Senior Minister of Bloomsbury Central Baptist church was fond of saying “If it’s not local,...
HK-Everyday080.jpg Originally uploaded by fernandogros. Today at a little past 8.00am, we witness an Airbus a380 making the first...
I’ve been doing some research for a piece on the theology of lying (or should that be the theology...
“Language has unmistakably signified that memory is not an instrument for the reconnaissance of what is past but rather...
Back in 2000 I came up with this simple ThoughtMap to explain the ideas that were driving my faith,...
From something I wrote in February 2001, “Of course, the question remains if we will ever truly be ‚Äúfellow...
One question that often comes up, when discussing blogging with non-bloggers (and non-blog-readers) is the question of whether blogging...
As much as I love using paper and pen, writing is, for me, a task of keyboard and screen....
After last weeks little tirade against the current US president I’m almost loathe to write a follow-up. But, it...