The Subtle But Important Disctinction Between A Command And A Promise
Steve Holmes has made a posted an excellent and thoughtful analysis on his blog, “I won’t name the liturgical...
Steve Holmes has made a posted an excellent and thoughtful analysis on his blog, “I won’t name the liturgical...
Last month’s topic of Post-Congregationalism attracted an unusually large number of comments and some really great questions. If you...
The recent Evangelical Manifesto is an interesting window into the problems that evangelicals face today and a worthwhile statement...
Last week’s post, Further Thoughts On Food And Spirituality attracted some very honest comments and clearly touched a nerve...
There’s something of a news controversy brewing here in Hong Kong. As you would all be aware, the recent...
The election of an Old Etonian to the Mayorship of London and the likely election of another alumni of...
“Hebrew & Christian Scriptures are stuffed (sorry) with food imagery – stories of eating, rule about eating, recipes, metaphor...
On Monday, the South China Morning Post published my letter to the editor on local educational issues. Here is...
Yes folks, there is a new X-Files movie coming out in July. Its called I Want To Believe and...
Just back from a relaxing long weekend in Tokyo. It’s hard and maybe a little unfair to make comparisons...
“The Internet is to human interaction as Pringles are to potatoes. Closeness and companionship are ground up into an...
Good news for Hong Kong residents; we finally have a local version of Time Out magazine. Editor Paul Kay...
Richard Florida is one of favourite contemporary authors. His book, The Rise of the Creative Class is one of...
In Who’s Your City, Richard Florida references Albert O. Hirschman’s contention that discontent and loyalty can be deeply intertwined....
Probably not. But, that hasn’t stopped me thinking along those lines recently… Back in 2006 I wrote a somewhat...
A while back I tried to write a series of blogposts on some key ethical issues facing our world...