Getting The Words Out
I’ve written 1281 blogposts over the last five years, which, given my wordiness, is probably in the vicinity of...
I’ve written 1281 blogposts over the last five years, which, given my wordiness, is probably in the vicinity of...
The Looking Back Thing Earlier this week I posted two, somewhat lament filled posts, looking back over the last...
Looking at a graph of my blogposts per month, since 2004, I can see that 05 and 06 were...
Five years ago today, I wrote a tentative post, inaugurating this blog. I had tried my hand at blogging...
You know those articles – the ones that give you lots of neat little suggestions to improve some are...
Of all the shows on offer in this year’s Hong Kong International Jazz festival, the one that immediately caught...
Tonight I made a quick trip to the very chic Dada Lounge in TST to hear William Ellis speak...
Neat little question from Waveformless, Have you ever noticed that some years seem to produce an awful lot of...
Twitter is used in a lot of ways. One purpose I like is sharing quotes. I’ve always been, even...
This afternoon we attended an extraordinarily moving memorial service for Alan Dick, the late Lower School Principal of the...
We could all do with a lesson in setting boundaries and learning to say no. Thankfully the Stoics had...
Blogging is not dead and Twitter is not the revolution that will change the world. Now that we have...
Here some of my favourite pictures from last night’s fireworks over Hong Kong harbour. Hong Kong, Fireworks, National...
Looking for Mies is a production by Zuni Icosahedron staged as part of the Architecture Is Art Festival, here...
If you haven’t caught it already, Dollhouse is an excellent new(ish) TV show from Joss Whedon (Buffy/Angel, Firefly/Serenity, Dr...
It’s been rainy today, which makes it a great opportunity to try out some different techniques, both in the...