This Week I Quit Houzz
A popular interior design platform is the latest in the “This Week I Quit” series. Houzz has had its...
A popular interior design platform is the latest in the “This Week I Quit” series. Houzz has had its...
Many of us wish we were more efficient and productive. It’s why ideas from business creep into our conversations...
For more than ten years, OmniFocus was an integral part of my daily life. The productivity app is one...
Looking though some old passports reminded me this is an important anniversary. On this day a long time...
For a long time SoundCloud wasn't just my favourite part of the web, it was the hottest thing in...
Flickr was once everyone's favourite way to share photos online. Then it wasn't. Many of us quit....
2019's theme is The Year of Conviction. The first consequence of this is I'm changing my attitude to...
Once an essential tool in my work Evernote increasingly became a confusing headache. This once great application seems...
Choosing a yearly theme is always challenging. Especially following on from a huge one like 2018's Year of...
It's time to look back and ask how the year of simple panned out and what lessons were learnt...
Lynda is a high-quality online learning platform for technical, business and creative skills. I’ve relied on this for years,...
How a simple Japanese practice of being thankful for meals can teach us something about having more gratitude in...
Seventeen Trees is a new podcast, exploring simplicity, creativity, and living in harmony with nature.
Getting up at 5am and working before most people are awake is a popular piece of advice for a...
Recent research suggests one of the best things we can do to become more creative is get a regular...
The saying is, there’s no such thing as a bad question. But there’s one question, one we’ve all...