Cool Gospels Thing
Thanks to The Corner, for pointing me in the direction of a very cool graphical representation of the Gospels....
Thanks to The Corner, for pointing me in the direction of a very cool graphical representation of the Gospels....
I hate editing as I type, it just interupts the flow of words. So it was pleasing to find...
Have just gotten around to watching Crash and Hotel Rwanda and I’m currently writing some reviews of both films.
Looks like I posted a very draft version of some comments on the state of the blogosphere. It is...
Today is Holi, which for us has meant a quiet day at home, enjoying the unseasonally cool air we...
In the comments following a recent blogpost, Toni raised a very good question. … should those in full-time Christian...
Owen Young is a PhD student at the Australian Graduate School of Management and has written an accurate and...
Amazing. Lobster
From The Age newspaper, a short piece on the sociology of Coffee in Australia. Interesting, but not surprising to...
Thanks to Rudy at Urban Onramps for pointing me in the direction of a revealing blopost over at Radical...
There is a fascinating interview with George Barna about his latest book Revolution over at the site of one...
The copyright case surrounding the Da Vinci Code is developing in compelling ways. There is little doubt that with...
One interesting side issue arising from George W. Bush’s visit to India is an agreement on the sale of...
Maybe it has no meaning at all, but I can’t help wondering about George W. Bush’s decision not to...
Today is Ash Wednesday, a day that many Christians set aside to reflect upon the fate we all share,...
Saw this over at the Christian Musician’s Forum (attributed to one, David Warren). Church Humour