Waiting To Leave
What a very, very long day! All our possesions are packed and on their way, we are settled into...
What a very, very long day! All our possesions are packed and on their way, we are settled into...
OK, here is a short series of places that defined Delhi for me. This is a completely personal and...
And after a slow start they are doing very well. My trusty iMac is boxed up and I am...
Apple have redisgned their pro site (application support and ideas for Logic, Apeture, Final Cut, etc). It is worth...
Currently test-driving Google Analytics. Been rather underwhelmed by ClustrMaps, which you can currently see under-reporting this blog’s traffic at...
On of the books on my summer re-reading list is the excellent A Churchless Faith by Alan Jamieson. Five...
Trying out a new feature called CoComment
The last week has mostly been spent going through our household belongings as prepare to leave Delhi; selling some...
Here’s my rough and ready guide for playing a 12 Bar Blues. I don’t like it when people get...
There is a feature on Dubai in the latest Vanity Fair. Some great photos that appear to have been...
If you were expecting a baby boy, and it was born on the 6th of the next month (6/6/06),...
I guess I should say upfront, I’m not from the US. ¬†As an outsider I find a fair share...
“Some very intelligent people are out there playing some poor golf. It leads me to conclude that they lack...
Well not yet anyway according to a link via India Uncut. It appears the Indian Film board (Information and...
No not the political idea, rather the Democracy WordPress plugin. I’ve installed a little something in the sidebar that...
It was funny when I folloed the link from The Corner and still funny when I followed the link...