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Blog // Thoughts
June 29, 2005

Billy In New York

Jeremy Del Rio has been blogging through his involvement in the recent Billy Graham crusade in New York; including the effective simplicity of Grahams’s message, media coverage of the event, the stories behind some of the faces used in films at the event and a reflection on Billy’s relevance to urban youth . Interestingly Jeremy […]

Jeremy Del Rio has been blogging through his involvement in the recent Billy Graham crusade in New York; including the effective simplicity of Grahams’s message, media coverage of the event, the stories behind some of the faces used in films at the event and a reflection on Billy’s relevance to urban youth . Interestingly Jeremy has also paused to consider how effective this kind of outreach really is. But the blogpost that really stopped me in my tracks, was his recollection of the prayer that went into the event,

“Friday night it suddenly hit me. Not that it wasn’t known previously, but the spacial significance meant more about 30 minutes into the program.

Three years ago this very weekend, 50,000-75,000 young people prayed and fasted for spiritual awakening to return to our city. We met for 12 hours in the very same meadow in Flushing Meadows Corona Park that hosted the Graham Crusade this year. And on Friday, my family and I found ourselves sitting in almost the exact place where we fasted three years ago.”

Jeremy’s site looks like a very good read for those of us into urban ministry.


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