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Blog // Thoughts
May 8, 2009


“..Christianity is about water: “Everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters.” It’s about baptism, for God’s sake. It’s about full immersion, about falling into something elemental and wet. Most of what we do in worldy life is geared toward our staying dry, looking good, not going under. But in baptism, in lakes and rain […]

“..Christianity is about water: “Everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters.” It’s about baptism, for God’s sake. It’s about full immersion, about falling into something elemental and wet. Most of what we do in worldy life is geared toward our staying dry, looking good, not going under. But in baptism, in lakes and rain and tanks and fonts, you agree to do something that’s a little sloppy because at the same time it’s also holy, and absurd. It’s about surrender, giving in to all those things we can’t control; it’s a willingness to let go of balance and decorum and get drenched.”

Annie Lamot, Travelling Mercies, pg 231.

Toni 15 years ago


I’d suggest that use of fonts might be the medieval equivalent of trying to stay dry while giving in a little bit, but what do I really know? But yes, Christianity is about surrendering or safety and often our comfort.

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