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Blog // Thoughts
July 5, 2005

Applestore Australia Unhelpful Again

Applestore Australia is proving to be decidely un-Apple-like in it’s “customer service.” My latest frustration with them invlolves a mistake with an order (buying the logic 7.1 express upgrade instead of the logic 7.1 pro upgrade). Apparently I cannot now return the disc I have for the correct one because “…too much time has lapsed […]

Applestore Australia is proving to be decidely un-Apple-like in it’s “customer service.” My latest frustration with them invlolves a mistake with an order (buying the logic 7.1 express upgrade instead of the logic 7.1 pro upgrade). Apparently I cannot now return the disc I have for the correct one because “…too much time has lapsed since the purchase of your order.” So, because it took me more than 10 days to get back to them, I’m stuck with a $au30 coaster? OK, by some arcane law of “customer service” I’m sure they can absolve themselves of responsibility (isn’t that the real goal of customer service these days?), but they are also going to lose clients this way; the kind of serious professional-use clients that Apple depended on in the past and will depend on in the future, once the iFad is gone.

Duncan Macleod 20 years ago

What a pain. I’m sure Apple Australia is not keen to have this kind of publicity spreading around on blogs. :>)

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