"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
July 26, 2007

Living Out Scripture

Andy Goodliff has created an excellent meme on the idea of living out scripture. He is asking bloggers to reflect on the passages of scripture that they return to again and again; those passages that are central to lived faith and then tag others to do the same. Like Jason Goroncy (another of Andy‚Äôs inital […]

Andy Goodliff has created an excellent meme on the idea of living out scripture. He is asking bloggers to reflect on the passages of scripture that they return to again and again; those passages that are central to lived faith and then tag others to do the same.

Like Jason Goroncy (another of Andy’s inital tagees), I found it hard to narrow this down to just one passage. The cluster of Philippians 2.1-11, Matthew 11.28-30, Micah 6.6-8, Jeremiah 9.23-24, James 4.1-6 and Ecclesiates 9.10-12, frequently come to mind and leap from the page upon re-reading.

But, if there is one passage that is central to my lived faith, to the way I’m trying to be-in-the-world, it is Philippians 4.8,

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.

I’m looking forward to seeing what passages are suggested by,

Brodie at View From The Basement
C. Wess at Gathering In Light
Jeremy at Away With Words
Joshua at Joshua Case
Paul at One For The Road

Regardless of whether you’ve been tagged or not, feel free to join in either by commenting here or on your own blog.

[tags] Scripture, Faith [/tags]

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brodie 17 years ago

Fernando – Philippians 4:8 is seared on my mind as it was a passage my Mum kept bringing us as kids back to again and again. I respond to the ‘tag’ over the next couple of days.

brodie 17 years ago

Fernando – I’ve put my list up now.

Paul 17 years ago

mmm i’m gonna have to think, i can only have one???

Daniel Arellano 17 years ago

Here are few of my central verses that keep me on the journey

Fernando Gros 17 years ago

Daniel – good choices, thanks for the link.

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