"Let life enchant you again." - Fernando Gros
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Blog // Thoughts
August 4, 2006

Wikiality: The Revolution Will Not Be Verified

Here’s a Steve Colbert piece on the limitations of Wikipedia. Whilst it looks like the Wikipedia entry on elephants has been suspended in response, the point is still well made. At the core, notions like knowledge, truth and even reality are not always compatible with the philosophy that underpins Wikipedia. I like the idea of […]

Here’s a Steve Colbert piece on the limitations of Wikipedia.

Whilst it looks like the Wikipedia entry on elephants has been suspended in response, the point is still well made. At the core, notions like knowledge, truth and even reality are not always compatible with the philosophy that underpins Wikipedia. I like the idea of democratising knowledge, but sometimes crowds are not wise – sometimes they get it wrong; it’s worth remembering that.

John 19 years ago

What is knowledge in this day and age?
Essentially it is what is defined by the dominant reductionist paradigm of meat body based scientific materialism (SM).
All others modes of knowing are anathema.
These related references discuss how this came about and also the baneful limitations of the dominant SM paradigm.

1. http://www.dabase.net/ilchurst.htm
2. http://www.dabase.net/noface.htm
3. http://www.aboutadidam.org
4. http://www.dabase.net/nirvana.htm especially chapter one
5. http://www.daplastique.com

John Smulo 19 years ago

Thanks for the link Fernando. Great clip on a subject worth exploring.

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